Horse eating out of a red bowl

Supplements and Vitamins for Horses

Expert Advice: Kim Lina Pethahn, an independent feed consultant, wrote this article.

Offering the Necessities & Avoiding Overdosages

Whether your horse needs supplements at all depends on both the pre-existing conditions and the energy consumption of your horse. However, an equally important and often not considered enough aspect is the quality of the hay. If the hay does not contain enough amino acids and other important ingredients, deficiency symptoms will be the result. Good hay is mainly recognized by its greenish color, pleasant fresh smell and dry feeling. Ultimately, the veterinarian must decide whether the horse is suffering from a deficiency.


Everything About Supplements for Horses

Can Supplements Improve the Horse's Performance?

Horses with certain pre-existing conditions benefit the most from a treatment of supplement and/or vitamins. Often equines with the following problems require additional support:

  • Respiratory diseases
  • Digestive problems
  • Weakened immune system
  • Pregnant/lactating mares


Nutritional supplements are often used when horses with pre-existing conditions suffer from deficiency symptoms or generally requires an increase for certain substances. But are nutritional supplements therefore only suitable for horses that are ill? Not necessarily, because especially show horses are real athletes and are trained several times a week. In this case, they have an increased need for certain trace elements, amino acids and generally consume more energy. So it is perfectly legitimate to support the horse with concentrated feed, some supplements and vitamins. But again, it is important to talk to your veterinarian first, instead of rushing into adding all types of supplements into the feed.

Overdosing Horse Supplements

Oftentimes, horse owners buy expensive supplements and vitamins because they want to support their horse. But often not only “what” is a problem, but also “how much”. Even if a deficiency has been officially determined, it is important to dose correctly. Overdosing can make the horse sick and, in the worst case, result in serious health consequences. 


Wrong doses can lead to chronic poisoning and even death. 


Even with the dosage aids on the packages you should be careful, because it also always depends on the individual needs of your horse. A leisure pony needs different amounts than a show horse. Therefore, there is no way around seeking the advice from a professional.


All in all, there is nothing wrong with supplements as long as the decision is justified and the dosage is correct. This means that a veterinarian and/or licensed horse feed consultant must always be talked to in order to provide your horse with an individually adapted diet. This is the only way nothing can go wrong!

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