Genetic Defects in Horses

Welcome to your comprehensive resource on genetic defects in horses!

Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or new to horse care, understanding the symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies for genetic disorders is crucial for your horse’s health and breeding decisions.

Genetic defects in horses can present in various ways, including congenital abnormalities, developmental issues, and inherited diseases. Recognizing these symptoms early can make a significant difference in managing your horse’s condition. Our articles cover a wide range of genetic disorders, from common issues like Ventricular septal defect and Patent Ductus Arteriosus   to more complex conditions such as Lavender Foal Syndrome, Tetralogy of Fallot and Heart Valve Dysplasia.

Each article dives into the underlying genetic causes of these conditions, evidence-based treatments, and practical tips for prevention and management. Whether you’re looking for advice on genetic testing, breeding decisions, or seeking guidance on when to consult a specialist, we’ve got you covered.

Stay informed and empowered to give your horse the best possible care. Explore our collection of articles below and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to manage and prevent genetic defects.

Think your horse has a genetic defects (congenial) disease?  –  Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or new to horse care, understanding the symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies for genetic disorders is crucial for your horse’s health and breeding decisions.

Genetic defects in horses can present in various ways, including congenital abnormalities, developmental issues, and inherited diseases. Recognizing these symptoms early can make a significant difference in managing your horse’s condition. Our articles cover a wide range of genetic disorders, from common issues like Ventricular septal defect and Patent Ductus Arteriosus   to more complex conditions such as Lavender Foal Syndrome, Tetralogy of Fallot and Heart Valve Dysplasia.

Our Articles on Genetic Defects Disease

Learn all about Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED) is a genetic disorder affecting glycogen storage, causing muscle weakness and death in foals.
Congenial (Genetic)

Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED)

Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency (GBED) This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. Glycogen is an important energy source for tissue within the body, and is vital for maintaining normal glucose levels in the body and

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) in horses is a congenital heart defect with a septal hole causing abnormal blood flow.

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment. Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a congenital heart condition in horses in which there is a hole in the wall (septum) that separates the two lower chambers of the

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) in horses is a rare congenital heart defect consisting of four abnormalities that affect blood flow and oxygenation.

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a congenital heart defect that affects horses. It is characterized by four main abnormalities in the heart: a ventricular

Patent Ductus Arteriosus in horses is a congenital heart defect causing abnormal blood flow due to a fetal vessel failing to close.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital heart defect that affects horses, where the ductus arteriosus (a blood vessel that connects the aorta and

Heart valve dysplasia in horses is a congenital defect causing improper valve formation, leading to impaired blood flow and heart failure.

Heart Valve Dysplasia

Heart Valve Dysplasia Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease. Heart valve dysplasia is a congenital heart condition in horses in which one or more of the heart valves are malformed or do not function properly. This can lead

Lavender Foal Syndrome in horses is a genetic disorder characterized by neurological symptoms such as ataxia, seizures, and behavioral abnormalities, often resulting in early death
Congenial (Genetic)

Lavender Foal Syndrome

Lavender Foal Syndrome This disease is fatal, and cannot be cured or adequately treated and is expected to result in the death of the horse. Lavender foal syndrome is a rare congenital disorder that affects Arabian and Arabian-cross horses. It

Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS), also known as Fell Pony Syndrome, is a genetic disorder in equines, primarily affecting Fell ponies, characterized by a compromised immune system leading to increased susceptibility to infections and often resulting in early mortality.
Congenial (Genetic)

Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Fell Pony Syndrome)

Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Fell Pony Syndrome) This disease is fatal, cannot be cured or adequately treated and is expected to result in the death of the horse. Foal immunodeficiency syndrome (FIS), previously known as Fell Pony syndrome, is an inherited

Lethal White Overo Syndrome (LWO) in horses is a genetic disorder causing severe digestive tract abnormalities, frequently fatal shortly after birth.
Congenial (Genetic)

Lethal White Overo Syndrome (LWO)

Lethal White Overo Syndrome This disease is fatal, and cannot be cured or adequately treated and is expected to result in the death of the horse. Lethal White Overo Syndrome (LWO) is a genetic disorder primarily affecting horses, particularly those

Each article dives into the underlying genetic causes of these conditions, evidence-based treatments, and practical tips for prevention and management. Whether you’re looking for advice on genetic testing, breeding decisions, or seeking guidance on when to consult a specialist, we’ve got you covered.

Stay informed and empowered to give your horse the best possible care. Explore our collection of articles above and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to manage and prevent genetic defects.

Think your horse has a genetic defects (congenial) disease? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.