Riding in Winter

Wintercare for Horses

Riding in winter can be challenging, both for the rider and the horse. Cold, snow and ice can make riding difficult and affect the horse’s health. In this blog article, we will give you some tips and tricks for riding in winter, as well as show you how to take the best care of your horse in winter.

All About Winter Riding

Riding Equipment for the Winter Months

The right equipment is crucial for riding in winter. Riders should wear warm and water-repellent clothing to protect themselves from the cold and damp. Winter riding boots and gloves are also important to maintain body temperature and have good control of the reins. The horse also needs appropriate equipment, such as a waterproof blanket and if needed hoof-grip boots for better grip on slippery surfaces.

Preparing the Horse for Riding in Winter

Before riding, the horse should be thoroughly warmed up to avoid injury. A thorough cleaning routine is especially important to remove dirt and sweat that could chafe under the equipment. The horse should also spend enough time outdoors to get used to the cold and to exercise.

Safety When Riding in Winter

In winter, it is especially important to pay attention to safety when riding. The rider should watch out for slippery areas and, if necessary, choose a different route to minimise the risk of accidents. Visibility should also be considered by wearing bright clothing or reflective equipment.

Wintercare for Horses

Caring for the horse in winter is crucial to its health and well-being. It is important to provide the horse with sufficient hay or haylage to meet energy needs and aid digestion. Regular checks of the hooves and coat are also important to detect and treat problems early.


Riding in winter can be challenging, but with the right preparation and equipment it is possible to enjoy riding in cold temperatures. Taking care of your horse is also crucial to ensure its health and well-being. By following these tips and tricks, you and your horse can make it through the winter safe and sound.

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