Synovitis in horses is the inflammation of the synovial membrane within joints, resulting in pain, swelling, and decreased mobility.


Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment

Synovitis is the inflammation of the synovial membranes, these are very important and contribute to the frictionless movement of the joint. Synovitis can result in serious complications, including osteoarthritis, if not treated effectively. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of synovitis before the occurrence of any complications that lead to joint damage are important.


Common in


The goal of therapy is to provide timely, effective anti-inflammatory medications either systemically, locally or topically.
Systemic anti-inflammatory medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or intravenous hyaluronic acid, are the simplest forms of therapy which are often very effective for controlling synovitis. However, intra-articular anti-inflammatory medication in the form of corticosteroids and/or hyaluronic acid may be necessary to provide effective treatment. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein (IRAP) or topical diclofenac sodium can also be used for refractory cases. Physical therapy methods such as ice, hydrotherapy, daily range of motion exercises and walking are often used in addition to medications.


Critical evaluation of conformation is essential as gross abnormalities in conformation may cause persistent abnormal loading and hence synovitis. Careful monitoring during training is also essential as treatment and change in training early in cases of synovitis are helpful.

How Happie can help you manage your horse's health

Digital health management offers numerous benefits in modern equine healthcare. With the Happie Horse App, you can track symptom patterns and body values, such as Temperature, Pulse and Respiration. Allowing you to notice abnormal changes in body and behaviour early on, leading to more successful treatments. The Happie symptom checker allows you to add all of your horse's abnormal symptoms in order to present potential causes and diseases.

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