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Hoof Disease in Horses

Hoof diseases in horses encompass ailments such as laminitis, thrush, and white-line disease, which can cause pain, lameness, and structural damage to the hoof. Effective management involves regular hoof care, appropriate trimming, and treatment of underlying causes such as poor nutrition or environmental factors to maintain hoof health.

Think your horse has a hoof disease? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

White line disease in horses is a fungal or bacterial infection that affects the inner layer of the hoof, causing separation between the hoof wall and the underlying structures
Hoof Diseases

White Line Disease

White Line Disease Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment. White Line Disease is caused by the invasion of fungi

Thrush in horses is a fungal infection affecting the hooves, characterized by a foul-smelling discharge, blackened tissue, and potential lameness.
Hoof Diseases

Thrush in Horses

Equine Thrush Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment. Thrush is a common bacterial infection of a hoof’s frog. The

hoof keratoma tumor growths sick disease
Hoof Diseases

Equine Keratoma (Hoof Tumor)

Equine Keratoma (Hoof Tumor) Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment. A keratoma is a rare benign tumour of the