Zwanghuf bei Pferden Titelbild

Contracted Heels in Horses

Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment.

Contracted heels are characterized by a narrowing of the heel between the two bulbs, the soft fleshy area where the hoof wall, heel and coronary band come together.


Common in


To treat contracted heels, maintain a schedule for proper trimming and shoeing. Moving the shoe toward the rear of the hoof close to the white line on the bottom of the foot, and removing the excess hoof wall by rasping, will help correct the shape of the hoof. Wedge pads can be used to elevate the heel of the horse.

Trimming the hoofs in such a way that the hoof capsule can broaden is important. Keeping the horse on even ground or pasture after proper trimming and shoeing will allow a return to proper movement of hooves and will help the horse overcome the problems associated with contracted heels.The horse will often require treatment with antibiotics. Tetanus antitoxin must be given, if the horse is not fully vaccinated up to date or if vaccination status cannot be confirmed.


Maintaining a regular trimming schedule, about every six weeks, helps avoid conditions like contracted heels and is beneficial to a horse’s overall health.

How Happie can help you manage your horse's health

Happie Horse App digitale Gesundheitsakte

Digital health management offers numerous benefits in modern equine healthcare.

With the Happie Horse App, you can track symptom patterns and body values, such as Temperature, Pulse and Respiration. Allowing you to notice abnormal changes in body and behaviour early on, leading to more successful treatments.

The Happie symptom checker allows you to add all of your horse's abnormal symptoms in order to present potential causes and diseases.

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