horse bad behaviour aggression cribbing

Behavioural Issues

Learn more about behavioural issues in equines and how they can affect and show the horse’s overall well-being.

Addressing these issues often requires a combination of environmental enrichment, training, and veterinary intervention to ensure the horse’s physical and mental well-being.

Think your horse has a behavioural issue? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

Cribbing is a stereotypic behavior observed in horses, characterized by repetitive biting or grasping of objects, often leading to the displacement of air into the upper esophagus, typically associated with stress, boredom, or gastrointestinal discomfort
Psychological & Behavioural

Cribbing in Horses

Cribbing Seek veterinary or behaviourist advice if you suspect this disorder. Cribbing is a common behavioural disorder observed in horses,