Reproductive Diseases in Horses

Welcome to your comprehensive resource on reproductive diseases in horses!

Whether you’re a seasoned breeder or new to horse care, understanding the symptoms, treatments, and management strategies for reproductive issues is crucial for your horse’s reproductive health and breeding success.

Reproductive diseases in horses can manifest in various ways, affecting both mares and stallions. These can include infertility, reproductive tract infections, and developmental abnormalities. Recognizing these issues early can significantly impact your horse’s breeding potential. Our articles cover a wide range of conditions, from common issues like uterine infections (endometritis) and stallion fertility problems to more complex diseases such as Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM), testicular tumors, and Abortion.

Each article explores the underlying causes of these conditions, evidence-based treatments including reproductive examinations, hormonal therapies, and assisted reproductive techniques. Whether you’re looking for advice on breeding management practices, signs to watch for during reproductive exams, or seeking guidance on when to consult a reproductive specialist, we’ve got you covered.

Stay informed and empowered to give your horse the best possible reproductive care. Explore our collection of articles below and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to support your horse’s reproductive health.

Think your horse has a reproductive issue?  –  Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

Whether you’re a seasoned breeder or new to horse care, understanding the symptoms, treatments, and management strategies for reproductive issues is crucial for your horse’s reproductive health and breeding success.

Reproductive diseases in horses can manifest in various ways, affecting both mares and stallions. These can include infertility, reproductive tract infections, and developmental abnormalities. Recognizing these issues early can significantly impact your horse’s breeding potential. Our articles cover a wide range of conditions, from common issues like uterine infections (endometritis) and stallion fertility problems to more complex diseases such as Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM), testicular tumors, and Abortion.

Our Articles on Reproductive Diseases

Learn all about Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Abortion in horses is the premature termination of pregnancy, often caused by infections, hormonal imbalances, or stress.

Abortion in Horses

Abortion in Horses Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease. Equine Abortion is the loss of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable. This can occur at any stage of gestation, but is most commonly observed between the 5th

sexually transmitted in horses mare disease sick

Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM)

Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease. Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection affecting horses, caused by the bacterium Taylorella equigenitalis. It primarily manifests in mares, leading to inflammation of the

Each article explores the underlying causes of these conditions, evidence-based treatments including reproductive examinations, hormonal therapies, and assisted reproductive techniques. Whether you’re looking for advice on breeding management practices, signs to watch for during reproductive exams, or seeking guidance on when to consult a reproductive specialist, we’ve got you covered.

Stay informed and empowered to give your horse the best possible reproductive care. Explore our collection of articles above and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to support your horse’s reproductive health.

Think your horse has a reproductive issue? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.