Ohrentzündung beim Pferd Titelbild

Otitis Externa, Media and Interna

Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease.

Otitis in horses is a rare and treatable condition.

Based on the depth of the infection within the ear canal, inflammation of the ear canal can be divided into three categories, Otitis externa- Infections of the outer ear, often initiated by ticks or other foreign objects in the ear Otitis media- This infection is located within the middle ear and may cause inflammation in the labyrinth of the ear as well. Either otitis externa or interna can extend into the middle ear Otitis interna- Infections in the deepest part of the ear can also inflame the labyrinth in the ear and if untreated has been known to lead to meningitis.



Treatment of otitis in horses, besides investigating and treating possible underlying conditions, should be based on sampling for cytological and culture results. Cleaning of the affected ear has been found to greatly improve the efficacy of topical treatment. In most cases, the horse will need to be sedated and restrained during the cleaning.

Addressing the inflammatory process is crucial, and affected horses responded very well to a combination of topical and systemic steroid treatment, with or without concurrent antimicrobial therapy.


Routine checking and cleaning of the horse’s ears, including removal of ticks and foreign objects, will catch most external problems in the early stages. Use a fly cover for the ears, particularly in the spring and summer.

How Happie can help you manage your horse's health

Happie Horse App digitale Gesundheitsakte

Digital health management offers numerous benefits in modern equine healthcare.

With the Happie Horse App, you can track symptom patterns and body values, such as Temperature, Pulse and Respiration. Allowing you to notice abnormal changes in body and behaviour early on, leading to more successful treatments.

The Happie symptom checker allows you to add all of your horse's abnormal symptoms in order to present potential causes and diseases.

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