Equine Parasites and Insects

Welcome to your comprehensive resource on parasites and insects in horses!

Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or new to horse care, understanding the symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies for parasitic and insect-related issues is crucial for your horse’s health and comfort.

Parasites and insects can cause a range of problems for horses, including skin irritations, internal infections, and systemic diseases. Recognizing these issues early can significantly impact your horse’s well-being. Our articles cover a wide array of parasites and insects, from common pests like Ectoparasites (Flies, Ticks, Lice, Fleas) to internal parasites such as Tapeworms, Strongyloides and African Trypanosomiasis.

Each article delves into evidence-based treatments, and practical tips for prevention. Whether you’re looking for advice on pasture management, deworming schedules, or seeking guidance on when to consult a veterinarian, we’ve got you covered.

Stay informed and empowered to give your horse the best possible care. Explore our collection of articles below and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to protect your horse from parasites and insects.

Think your horse has parasites?  –  Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

Equine Parasites and Insects

Welcome to your comprehensive resource on parasites and insects in horses!

Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or new to horse care, understanding the symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies for parasitic and insect-related issues is crucial for your horse’s health and comfort.

Parasites and insects can cause a range of problems for horses, including skin irritations, internal infections, and systemic diseases. Recognizing these issues early can significantly impact your horse’s well-being. Our articles cover a wide array of parasites and insects, from common pests like Ectoparasites (Flies, Ticks, Lice, Fleas) to internal parasites such as Tapeworms, Strongyloides and African Trypanosomiasis.

Our Articles on Parasites and Insects

Learn all about Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

African trypanosomiasis in horses is a vector-borne disease causing fever, anemia, swelling, and neurological symptoms.
Parasites & Insects

African Trypanosomiasis

African Trypanosomiasis This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. African Trypanosomiasis, also known as “African Sleeping Sickness,” is a parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Trypanosoma. It affects horses and other mammals, transmitted

Cryptosporidiosis in horses is a parasitic infection causing diarrhea, dehydration, and weight loss, especially in foals.
Parasites & Insects


Cryptosporidiosis This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. Cryptosporidiosis in horses is a parasitic infection caused by various species of the protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium, including Cryptosporidium parvum, Cryptosporidium hominis, Cryptosporidium muris, Cryptosporidium horse genotype, Cryptosporidium

Endoparasites are internal parasites, such as roundworms and tapeworms, causing digestive issues, weight loss, and poor overall health.
Parasites & Insects


Endoparasites Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease. Endoparasites are any type of parasite that lives inside the horse. They usually cling to organs such as the heart, lung, gut and blodd vessels. Symptoms Worms in droppings Diarrhea No

Tapeworms in horses are parasitic infections causing digestive issues, weight loss, and potentially colic.


Tapeworms Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease. The tapeworm can cause severe damage to the horse’s intestinal tract. Its presence can lead to decreased intestinal motility and colic. Anoplocephala perfoliata tapeworms live at the junction between the ilieum

Ectoparasites in horses are external parasites, such as mites and ticks, causing skin irritation, itching, and potential infections.
Parasites & Insects


Ectoparasites Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease. An ectoparasite is a parasite that lives on the skin surface of an animal. The primary ectoparasites of horses are houseflies, stable flies, mosquitoes, and, to a lesser extent, horse and

West Nile Virus in horses is a mosquito-borne disease causing neurological symptoms such as fever, ataxia, and muscle weakness.
Parasites & Insects

West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. West Nile Virus is a serious threat to horses with an estimated average case fatality rate of 30–40%. West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne

Fleas in horses cause itching, discomfort, and potential skin infections, requiring prompt treatment and management to alleviate symptoms and prevent infestation.
Parasites & Insects

Fleas in Horses

Fleas in Horses Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment. While they are more commonly associated with dogs and cats, horses can get fleas too. These tiny, wingless insects feed on blood and can cause discomfort and skin irritation in

African horse sickness is a severe, viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, causing fever, respiratory distress, and swelling in horses, often leading to high mortality.
Parasites & Insects

African Horse Sickness

African Horse Sickness This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. African Horse Sickness (AHS) is a highly infectious but non-contagious viral disease affecting horses, mules, and donkeys, caused by the African Horse Sickness Virus (AHSV).

Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is a neurological disease caused by protozoan parasites, leading to ataxia, muscle atrophy, and weakness.

Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis

Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis This disease is life-threatening and should be treated by a veterinarian swiftly. Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurological disease in horses caused by protozoal parasites, primarily Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora hughesi. These parasites infect the central

Each article delves into evidence-based treatments, and practical tips for prevention. Whether you’re looking for advice on pasture management, deworming schedules, or seeking guidance on when to consult a veterinarian, we’ve got you covered.

Stay informed and empowered to give your horse the best possible care. Explore our collection of articles below and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to protect your horse from parasites and insects.

Think your horse has parasites? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.