equine horse diseases colic asthma virus influenza

Temperature Related Equine Diseases

Temperature-related diseases in horses, such as heat stress or hypothermia, occur when environmental conditions exceed or fall below the horse’s thermal comfort zone, leading to symptoms like lethargy, dehydration, and in severe cases, collapse or organ failure.

Prevention involves providing adequate shelter, ventilation, hydration, and appropriate management practices to help horses regulate their body temperature effectively in various weather conditions.

Think your horse has been negatively exposed to the weather? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

Frostbite in horses is a condition resulting from prolonged exposure to extreme cold, causing tissue damage and potential necrosis, particularly in the extremities
Temperature/Weather Related Illness

Frostbite in Horses

Frostbite Seek veterinary advice if you suspect this disease. Frostbite in horses is a serious condition that occurs when the