equine horse diseases colic asthma virus influenza

Viral & Infectious Equine Diseases

Viral and infectious equine diseases encompass a range of conditions such as equine influenza, equine herpesvirus, and strangles, causing respiratory and systemic symptoms, fever, and in some cases, severe complications.

Prevention involves vaccination, biosecurity measures, and prompt isolation and treatment of affected individuals to minimise the spread of these diseases within equine populations.

Think your horse has a virus or an infectious disease? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

Rabies is a fatal but preventable viral disease that affects the nervous system and causes encephalitis, the inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
Virus & Infektion

Rabies in Horses

Equine Rabies This disease is fatal and reportable, it cannot be cured or adequately treated and is expected to result