equine horse diseases colic asthma virus influenza

Ear and Eye Diseases in Horses

Ear and eye diseases in horses encompass conditions such as uveitis, corneal ulcers, and otitis externa, which can cause pain, vision impairment, and discomfort.

Management involves prompt veterinary attention, topical and systemic medications, and often environmental adjustments to prevent further irritation and promote healing.

Think your horse has an ear or eye disease? Check out the Happie Horse Symptom Checker.

Fungal keratopathy in horses is a condition characterized by fungal infection of the cornea, leading to inflammation, ulceration, and potentially severe ocular discomfort
Ears and Eyes

Fungal Keratopathy in Horses

Equine Fungal Keratopathy Seek veterinary advice before applying any treatment Fungal keratitis is an infection of the clear outer surface